CEREC Dentistry


Perfectly Bright Smiles is thrilled with it’s acquisition of dentistry’s latest dental technology! We have just added Sirona’s latest version of the CEREC to our practice! Our team consistently updates our CEREC software and training to maintain the highest levels of proficiency.

CEREC stands for Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramic. This machine allows the dentist to restore any decayed or broken teeth and place dental veneers in one office visit.

Through CEREC, we are able to manufacture customized restorations in a single office visit. CEREC is slowly making those fragile, uncomfortable, bulky temporaries into urban legends.

If you choose to have a restoration that utilizes CEREC, you’ll be amazed with the speed and results of the dental work. While you wait for your customized, tooth-colored restoration, you can listen to music, watch movies on Netflix, or even tap a short nap with our noise-cancelling headphones. Our patients enjoy the benefit of having a complete treatment done in just a few hours. No more temporaries to wear for two long weeks!

Los Angeles Single-Visit CEREC™ Crowns

In cases where a tooth has been altered from its original shape and size, a dental crown may be in order.  Crowns are bonded on top of a tooth’s surface with the dual purpose of restoring its functionality and protecting it from further damage. CEREC crowns are backed by well over 300 dental studies and continual to increase in popularity.

Many of our patients have busy lives and cannot lose weeks of time to antiquated dental crown methods. Opting for a CEREC crown bring the following benefits:

  • No temporary crowns
  • No messy impressions (digital impressions are used)
  • Precise digital imaging that acquires the exact shape & size of teeth
  • Perfect color blending
  • Quick procedures

Modern Digital Impressions

Whenever a crown restoration is necessary, an impression of the tooth (or teeth) is required.  In times past, dentists would have patients bite down on a soft substance that would harden in the mouth.  The result would be a physical impression that would sometimes have flaws if the biting tray shifted in anyway.

The CEREC method fixes these issues because it utilizes 3D digital cameras to form exact optical impressions.

Computer Aided Design (CAD)

Digital impressions enables us to see every detail of our patient’s teeth.  Consequently, when we arrive at the CAD phase of the tooth restoration, we are able to customize the shape of the restoration perfectly.  CEREC CAD software raises the customization of dental fixtures to unprecedented levels, which significantly improve patient comfort.

Once the restoration is complete, we will place and bond the dental work to your tooth.


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